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24-Hour Home Care Can Help With Senior Medical Emergencies

If an emergency happens, a 24-hour home care aide will always be there to get help for your mom or dad immediately using these suggestions.
24-Hour Home Care La Jolla CA - 24-Hour Home Care Can Help With Senior Medical Emergencies

If you’re taking care of a senior parent you should be prepared for a medical emergency because the chances are good that someday your mom or dad will have one. Whether it’s a fall at home or a medical emergency like a stroke or a heart attack your senior parent is at risk. Even though you can’t prevent a medical emergency from happening, you can help make sure that your senior parent can get help immediately if they need it. The best way to do that is to make sure that your mom or dad has 24-hour home care services.

Seniors who have 24-hour home care are never alone. There is always a caregiver who is awake and on duty in case your mom or dad needs something. The extra support that a caregiver provides can help prevent falls and other emergencies.

But, if an emergency happens, a caregiver will always be there to get help for your mom or dad immediately and call you right away.

Some of the things that a caregiver can do in an emergency are:

Administer First Aid or CP

A professional caregiver who has been trained in CPR and first aid can perform immediate care on your mom or dad if an emergency occurs. This can be life-saving for your mom or dad if it takes EMS time to get to their house.

Keep Your Mom Or Dad Calm

If your mom or dad is conscious, they are going to be scared, in pain, and very upset. Having a familiar caregiver there can help them stay calm. The caregiver can explain what is happening, reassure your mom or dad that there is help on the way, and provide comfort.

Provide Vital Medical Information

The caregiver should have easy access to your mom or dad’s medical records, including a list of medications, allergies, and past medical conditions. Giving that information to the emergency personnel when they arrive is critically important.

It’s a good idea to put copies of critical paperwork like DNR orders or other directives in a binder along with your mom or dad’s insurance information, a contact list, and a list of their current medications and dosages.

You should also put in there a list of important phone numbers like their primary doctor or any specialists they see. Also include copies of their insurance card, Social Security card, driver’s license or other ID, and any other important documents.

Monitor Vital Signs

A professional caregiver who has some medical training can monitor your senior parent’s vital signs, such as breathing, pulse, and consciousness level, and give that information to emergency responders when they get to the home.

Ensure a Clear Path for Responders

The caregiver can also make sure the home’s entryway is clear and easily accessible so that emergency personnel can quickly reach the senior without obstacles.

Follow Emergency Instructions

If the 911 operator or medical professionals provide specific instructions over the phone, the caregiver can follow those instructions to help make sure that your senior parent is stable until the EMS team can get there.

24-Hour Home Care La Jolla CA - 24-Hour Home Care Can Help With Senior Medical Emergencies
24-Hour Home Care La Jolla CA – 24-Hour Home Care Can Help With Senior Medical Emergencies

Notify Family Members

Once the situation is stabilized and emergency services are on their way, a caregiver can take care of calling family and friends to let them know what is happening. That way you can focus on your mom or dad.

Prepare for Transport

It’s a smart idea to make a go-bag for your mom or dad that has things like socks, pajamas, an extra blanket, an extra set of clothes, a backup pair of glasses, and anything else they might need if they need to stay in the hospital. The caregiver can make sure that the bag goes with your mom or dad to the hospital.

If you or an aging loved one are considering 24-Hour Home Care Services in La Jolla CA, please call the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

Canaan Home Care – A Premier Provider of Senior Home Care in the La Jolla, Del Mar, San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Tustin, and Manhattan Beach areas.

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