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How Alzheimer’s Home Care Helps Families Care For A Senior

Alzheimer's Home Care Rancho Santa Fe CA-Caring for someone with Alzheimer’s is challenging on most days and can be extremely difficult on some days. Alzheimer’s home care services for seniors can help you take care of your senior parent.
Alzheimer's Home Care Rancho Santa Fe CA - How Alzheimer’s Home Care Helps Families Care For A Senior

Alzheimer’s is sometimes called a family disease because it really affects everyone in the family, especially any family caregivers. If you’re caring for a senior loved one with Alzheimer’s you have taken on a difficult task. Even though you love your senior parent, the reality is that caring for someone with Alzheimer’s is challenging on most days and can be extremely difficult on some days. Alzheimer’s home care services for seniors can help you take care of your senior parent.

Alzheimer's Home Care Rancho Santa Fe CA - How Alzheimer’s Home Care Helps Families Care For A Senior
Alzheimer’s Home Care Rancho Santa Fe CA – How Alzheimer’s Home Care Helps Families Care For A Senior

You don’t have to bear the weight of the responsibility for your loved one’s care all alone. Alzheimer’s care means specialty care that was created with the unique needs of seniors who have Alzheimer’s in mind. You can take some time off and trust a care provider trained in Alzheimer’s care to make sure that your senior loved one is ok.

An experienced Alzheimer’s home care provider can:

Make Sure That Your Senior Loved One Eats

Often seniors with Alzheimer’s don’t recognize their body’s cues, including hunger and thirst. So it’s necessary for a caregiver like yourself to remind them when it’s time to eat and drink. But it can be a challenge to get someone with Alzheimer’s to eat, especially if they decide they don’t want what you cooked. If you need to take a day or two days or even a week off for any reason you can trust that a care provider will make sure your senior loved one is eating. A care provider will prepare healthy meals and use proven techniques like redirection to make sure that they are actually eating and drinking.

Make Sure that Your Senior Loved One Sleeps

Sleep is important for everyone, but it’s critically important for any seniors who have Alzheimer’s. Sleep is necessary for the brain to clear out the clutter and work properly. But seniors with Alzheimer’s often experience “sundowning” where their symptoms become worse at night. That can make them more likely to have problems sleeping. A care provider that providers Alzheimer’s care can work with your senior loved one’s care plan to help soothe them and get them into bed so they can sleep.

Keep Your Senior Loved One Safe At Home

Dementia care providers know that sometimes seniors will try to get out of the house and wander. They also know all kinds of tips and tricks to keep that from happening. A skilled care provider can deftly talk your senior loved one into returning home if they do get out. But, with the right caregiver, your senior parent won’t even get to the door to leave before the caregiver redirects them to something else.

Alzheimer’s Home Care Aides Make Sure Your Senior Loved One Get Their Medication

If you need to take some time off you can trust that your senior loved one will get the medication they need when you choose an Alzheimer’s home care provider. You can give yourself the time that you need to take care of work, family responsibilities, or other tasks without feeling like you’re failing at your responsibilities.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Alzheimer’s Home Care Services in Rancho Santa Fe CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!  1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

Canaan Home Care – A Premier Provider of Senior Home Care in the La Jolla, Del Mar, San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Tustin, and Manhattan Beach areas.

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