The Value of Vitamin B12 for Seniors
Vitamin B12 is critical for healthy aging because it does everything from maintaining strong bones and improving mood to increasing energy and supporting mental health.
Understanding the Health Benefits of Fruits for Seniors
A senior’s diet can greatly benefit from including a range of fruits, as they can boost immune system performance and improve digestion and hydration.
Managing Impulse Control in Seniors with Alzheimer’s
Alzheimer’s home care and loved ones can create an Alzheimer’s care plan that increases safety, lowers stress levels, and improves the quality of life for seniors.
Steps to a Heart-Healthy Diet for Seniors
Often by making these changes here, your loved one will see benefits in many areas of her health from increased energy to improved mental and physical health.
Helping Your Loved One with Household Chores
An in-home provider can make regular visits to your loved one’s home and help with many tasks so that they can continue to live independently.
Daily Habits for Seniors to Live Healthier
Senior home care and loved ones can help seniors build a healthy routine and encourage them to maintain that routine with these suggestions.
Bedtime Snacks That Will Help A Senior Sleep Better
Often seniors who have a healthy snack about an hour before they go to bed have a much easier time falling asleep. Here are some ideas.
Social Activities Your Senior Parent Can Do At Home
There are lots of social activities and fun things for seniors to do at home that will keep them from getting bored and lonely like those discussed here.
How Families Help Seniors with Alzheimer’s Disease Reminisce
Reminiscence is an important part of helping seniors with Alzheimer’s disease to preserve their memories as long as possible.
Why Embracing Companionship Is Important for Seniors
In-home care can help seniors focus on routines that allow them to remain at home, healthy and happy. Here are some of the other ways a senior can build companionship.