Can You Dementia-Proof a Kitchen?

Senior Care in San Juan Capistrano CA: When a senior has dementia some of her favorite rooms, like the kitchen, can become a little bit more dangerous.

How to Wash an Elderly Relative’s Hair

Home Care Services in Irvine CA: Jamie’s aging aunt remained stubborn about getting her hair washed on a regular basis. Not only did she resist, but she complained about it for days.

How Can You Put Some Zing Back in Your Senior’s Life?

If your senior seems to have lost some of the spring in her step, you may need to dig a little deeper and see what sorts of changes might be in order. Some of these changes are ones that you can do slowly in stages, which is often an easier way to make lasting shifts. […]

What Could Keeping a Journal Do for You?

Caregiver in Huntington Beach CA: Journaling might seem like something that you don’t need to do, but it can help you to work through your feelings and express them in a healthier way.

Five Signs of Appetite Loss

Senior Care in San Clemente CA: It isn’t always easy to tell when your elderly family member isn’t eating as she should. One of the biggest reasons behind this can be that her appetite isn’t as strong as it used to be.

What Do Elderly Adults Need to Heal at Home?

Elderly Care in Dana Point CA: Whether your elderly parent is recovering from surgery or battling an illness or disease that landed them in the hospital, they are likely facing a long recovery time while their bodies heal.