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Travel Tips for Seniors with a Disability

Caregiver in Laguna Beach CA: For most people, traveling is a typical part of their holidays. It gives them a chance to see family members from other cities, states, or countries that they do not get to see very often.

Caregiver in Laguna Beach CA

For most people, traveling is a typical part of their holidays. It gives them a chance to see family members from other cities, states, or countries that they do not get to see very often. However, if you are traveling with an elder who has a disability, special precautions need to be taken to make sure the arrive at the destination safely and in good health.

Whether you and your aging loved one plan on traveling by car, train, or plane, here are a few tips that will make the journey much easier.

  • Plan ahead. If you are driving, make sure that you take a route that is comfortable for the elder. For example, try to avoid roads that may be rough or have bumps that could be unpleasant for them. Also, plan for bathroom breaks and locations where everyone can just get out of the car in order to get some fresh air.
  • Have help. Traveling with someone who is in a wheelchair or has another disability can be a stressful experience. Consider bringing caregivers along to assist with anything the senior may need.
  • Book the hotel early. When a hotel is booked early enough, you will save tons of money. Also, you will be able to request a room that can accommodate your loved one.
  • Make sure the hotel is accessible to other accommodations. Sure, the hotel may have a room that is wheelchair accessible, but is it close to other places in town that the elder would like to go to? For example, how close is it to restaurants, shops, and other attractions your loved one would be interested in? If you will be staying at the hotel because you are going to a relative’s house in the area, think about how close it is to their home.
  • Pack carefully. This is probably the most important part of planning for a trip. Make a list of all of the items the senior will need, such as medication, changes of clothes, personal  hygiene products, and mobility devices. Bring enough of their items to cover the duration of the trip.
  • Have a backup plan. Do you know what you will do if a part of the wheelchair breaks? Or how about if your hotel reservations fall through? Try to run some worst case scenarios through your head in order to have a “just in case” plan.

Traveling alone can be frustrating and those feelings heighten when the trip includes an older adult with a disability. With proper planning, extra help, and careful packing, you and your loved one are sure to have an enjoyable vacation.

If you or an aging loved one are considering caregiver services in Laguna Beach, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)



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