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How to be a Successful Long-Distance Caregiver

Caregiver in Newport Coast CA: Being a caregiver at all can be a challenging, demanding job that pays little to no money, especially for family members.

Caregiver in Newport Coast CA

Being a caregiver at all can be a challenging, demanding job that pays little to no money, especially for family members. This job becomes even more difficult when the caregiver is unable to be in the same room, town, state, or country as the elder.

Although living a great distance from your elderly loved one can make it that much tougher to provide, it is possible to do so without going insane. Here are some tips to make long-distance caregiving work for you and your family.

  • Have a contact list. Since you will physically be unable to see your loved one on a daily basis, you will need to rely on the information relayed to you from others. Stay in constant communication with the elder’s doctor, physical therapist, neighbors, family members, and anyone else your parent spends a great deal of time with. This can be done through video conferencing websites, social media, email, or phone calls.
  • Have all important information readily available. If there is ever an emergency that requires this information, you will be glad that you had it all in one location. Obtain the elder’s medical records, utility bills, insurance information, financial statements, and legal documents.
  • Make the most of each visit. When you are able to visit, make it as productive as possible. This includes scheduling any necessary appointments, going through their mail and assisting with bills, observing their diet and how they look, and anything else you may need to know.
  • Research community services. If there are community services available in the senior’s area, take advantage of them. This may include meal, transportation, and housework services. Professional caregivers can also be hired to take care of all of these tasks for your loved one.
  • Take care of yourself. Not being able to spend as much time with your loved one as you would like could put added stress on your shoulders.  Try to keep your stress level low by exercising, eating a healthy diet, getting plenty of rest, and doing things that bring you joy.

Caring for an older adult from a distance can be an overwhelming experience. However, by having family members who are able to visit the elder frequently, staying in constant contact with those individuals who see the elder the most, having all information organized, and taking advantage of local services, your loved one will get the care they need.

If you or an aging loved one are considering caregiver services in Newport Coast, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)



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