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Caregiving Can Increase the Risk of Damaging the Caregiver’s Health

Because of the demands of caring for a loved one, as well as balancing that with all of the other aspects of their lives, many caregivers begin to neglect their health.
Respite Care Tustin CA - Caregiving Can Increase the Risk of Damaging the Caregiver's Health

Most caregivers, as soon as they heard a loved one needed care, stepped up to the plate without considering their health needs or how they would balance these new caregiving duties with everything else in their lives. And for a time, it may have been manageable. But you are not alone if now you are feeling overwhelmed and stressed by the very responsibility you took on with only concern and love for your family member. Increased health needs, an expectation of more care to take place in the home, and financial stresses are just a few reasons why you might be putting your health at risk. Hiring respite care providers can help alleviate the stress that can occur as a caregiver.

Physical Health Risks of Caregiving Without Support

One of the first things caregivers begin to struggle with is their physical health. Because of the demands of caring for a loved one, as well as balancing that with all of the other aspects of their lives, many caregivers begin to neglect their health. They may stop participating in regular exercise, eat less nutritious meals because they’re constantly eating on the run, and/or stop attending regular health checkups for themselves because of the lack of time on their hands.

These “choices” can lead to several physical health issues:

  • An increased risk of heart disease.
  • A weaker immune system stops protecting the body from regular attacks of germs and viruses, making them more likely to get sick than ever before.
  • More physical ailments like headaches, heartburn, and shoulder or back pain. Stress can lead to physical pain just about anywhere.
  • Physical injuries due to trying to do too much like lift a loved one in and out of the bath, or doing too many chores around multiple homes.

Mental Health Risks of Caregiving without Support

The mental health of caregivers can suffer as well if they are overwhelmed and do not have a support network. Unfortunately, many caregivers don’t discuss their mental health struggles for fear that it’s saying they either don’t want to or shouldn’t be able to care for their loved ones.

Some common mental health struggles that caregivers feel are:

Higher levels of depression. It’s estimated that 40-70 percent of caregivers have significant symptoms of depression and 50 percent of those could be diagnosed with major depression.

Constant anxiety. The caregiver may constantly feel like she’s underqualified and overwhelmed by caregiving, but the thought of having someone else do it causes even more anxiety, leading to a vicious circle of anxiety that seems to have no exit.

Loneliness. Many caregivers feel they have no one to talk to about their struggles or issues without being judged.

Addiction. Because of the stress, caregivers increase their risk of developing unhealthy addictive behaviors.

Respite Care Tustin CA - Caregiving Can Increase the Risk of Damaging the Caregiver's Health
Respite Care Tustin CA – Caregiving Can Increase the Risk of Damaging the Caregiver’s Health

Respite Care Can Help Lower Health Risks

The good news is that if you are caring for an elderly loved one or someone with a chronic health disease, you don’t have to do it alone. Even if friends and family are far away or unavailable, you can find relief and a chance to recharge by hiring a professional to come and provide respite care. A trained respite care provider can help you step away for a few hours or a few days to take care of yourself and other responsibilities so that you don’t become too overwhelmed by them.


If you or an aging loved one are considering Respite Care Services in Tustin CA, please call the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

Canaan Home Care – A Premier Provider of Senior Home Care in the La Jolla, Del Mar, San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Tustin, and Manhattan Beach areas.

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