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Tips for Introducing a New Caregiver to Your Senior

Elder Care in Laguna Woods CA: Hiring a home care service to assist your senior with their daily medication needs, health procedures, household chores, or even just for companionship can change your life for the better in more ways than one.

Hiring a home care service to assist your senior with their daily medication needs, health procedures, household chores, or even just for companionship can change your life for the better in more ways than one.


For many family caregivers, it’s a daily struggle as they attempt to juggle the needs and demands that come with caring for an elderly parent with the responsibilities of caring for their own children, household, and careers.

You may be ready to hire outside help, but you are worried about how your senior will react to someone that they don’t know coming into their personal space. Some seniors are very private, and others have issues trusting new people in their lives. You might even be the one with some hesitation about bringing new people into the family home of your aging parent or loved one.

We have compiled a few ways that you and you’re senior can be assured that the benefits outweigh any worries you might be hearing about or experiencing. With the right kind of introduction, a company that understands your family’s needs and can provide caregivers that are a good fit for your senior, and a little trust, home care can be a great experience for you and your parent.


Be upfront. Talk to your parent or loved one about how senior care can help them, and let them know that they will be safe and well taken care of at all times. Answer any questions that may have so that they know you are looking out for only what is best for them.


Stay with them. During the first meeting and maybe even for a few sessions after, stay with your senior to be sure that the new relationship is off to a good start. Talk about what your senior likes and doesn’t like so that the caregivers will get a feel for your senior and so that your parent will see that their interests are being taken into account.


Introduce them properly. It is a good idea to introduce the new caregiver as a friend, even if you haven’t met them yourself. This allows your senior to begin to build a trusting relationship with them and to look at them as less of a stranger, which may enable them to be more open to receiving help.


Go slow. If your senior is still resistant to having caregivers in their home, go slow. Let the caregivers know hat your senior’s specific worries are so that they can try to acclimate them in a compassionate way. Don’t yell at your senior or get too upset; they may just need time to get used to the new situation.


Let them lead. Some seniors might want to feel like they are in control. It can be difficult for seniors who have lost some of their independence, and bringing in caregivers to help them with things they used to be able to do alone can be hard. Let them guide the meeting, and ask them to give the caregiver a tour of their home so it is clear that they are important and that their needs will be the focus of the care they will receive.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elder Care in Laguna Woods, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

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