Senior Care News

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What Are the Top Chronic Conditions in the U.S.?

Elder Care in San Clemente CA: A chronic condition is defined as a health issue that lasts three or more months. Do you know what the top chronic conditions are?

A chronic condition is defined as a health issue that lasts three or more months. Do you know what the top chronic conditions are?

After the age of 65, it’s very likely that a person has at least one chronic condition. Almost 7 out of 10 seniors have two or more chronic conditions. Many seniors need home care services after being diagnosed. Here are the top conditions and the ways caregivers will help.


Elder Care in San Clemente CA: Top Chronic Conditions


Alzheimer’s Disease

Alzheimer’s disease is a chronic condition that progresses through several stages. It may start with forgetfulness, but it will progress to a point where seniors can wander away and become lost. Seniors may stop eating and drinking. Getting dressed, toileting, and personal grooming all become challenging as the disease progresses.

Caregivers can help in many ways. If you’re caring for a parent with Alzheimer’s, a caregiver can step in to allow you to take a break. Caregivers can help with toileting and showers, which are often harder for an adult child to do for their parent. Feeding, medication reminders, and transportation are other helpful services.



Arthritis pain may slow your mom or dad down a bit. If that’s the case, laundry, housework, and even meals may become impacted. Cutting vegetables is hard when it hurts to hold a knife. Folding laundry can be hard on the fingers and wrists. Caregivers can help with meal preparation, housework, and make beds.



When diabetes is present, exercise is essential. Following a cautious diet, checking blood sugar levels, and taking glucose tablets or insulin may be required. After the diagnosis, your parent may have a hard time remembering to check blood sugar levels.

They can remind your mom or dad when it’s time to have a snack or test the blood. Caregivers can also help monitor your parent and call a doctor if sugar levels are too high or low.


Heart Disease

Heart disease is common and requires care. Your parent may have medications that must be taken throughout the day. A caregiver can remind your parent when it’s time to take those medications. Caregivers can join your parent for a walk to get exercise. They can also schedule medical appointments and drive your mom or dad there.


High Blood Pressure

When the systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings exceed 120/80, your parent’s doctor may start to be cautious. High blood pressure can increase the risk of other health issues. Depending on the reading, exercise and a low-sodium, low-fat diet may be enough. In some cases, blood pressure medications or blood thinners may be recommended.

Caregivers help your parent stick to the right diet by preparing meals. The home care professional can help with medication reminders, support your parent while exercising or remind them to check their blood pressure and log it for the doctor.

Find out more about these and other home care services. Call today.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elder Care in San Clemente, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)


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