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Routines for Aging Adults with Alzheimer’s Disease

Elder Care in Tustin CA: Do you need some routines for your senior who has Alzheimer's disease? Elderly care providers can help.

If you and your family member aren’t embracing routines yet, you might feel as if every day is an exercise in chaos. Especially for someone with Alzheimer’s disease, routines can make the difference between acting out from frustration and peacefully embracing each day.


Elder Care in Tustin CA: Aging Adults with Alzheimer’s


Routines Reduce Anxiety

Having a routine and sticking with it can make your senior much less prone to anxiety, even if she’s in the later stages of Alzheimer’s disease. The reason behind this is that routines become comfortable. While some people find that routines become boring very quickly, there’s a lot to love about routines. Having a plan for the day ensures that life, in general, is a little calmer for both of you.


Everything Becomes a Routine

When you start to look for ways to build routines, you realize that everything becomes a routine. Getting up around the same time each day, having breakfast, and getting ready for the day all become routine activities. From there, household tasks, mealtimes, and even quiet time can all work into the routine. It boils down to what routines help you and your senior to live your lives in a much better way.


Rotating Activities Can Help

There might be a lot that your senior and you want to accomplish during a day, but it’s difficult sometimes on your own to determine how to fit everything in. Your elderly family member may enjoy crafting, exercising, and spending time with other people. You may not want to handle all of that in one day, every single day. Elderly care providers can help you to tweak your routines, streamline what you’re doing, and determine whether doing things in a different order might be helpful.


Build in Time for You, Too

One of the most important aspects of developing routines is to make sure that you include some time for yourself, as well. Self-care and time away from caregiving are vital if you’re going to continue to be a caregiver. With the help of elderly care providers, you can not only plan for this necessary time as a regular part of your day and your week, but you can also ensure that your family member is in good hands when you do so.

It takes time to successfully develop routines for your aging adult. But it’s worth the time and energy that it takes to build and to tweak those routines. Both of you will benefit from having activities broken down into daily and weekly timeslots. The times don’t have to be as exact as you think, either, to produce results.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Elder Care in Tustin, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

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