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What Kinds of Situations Contribute to Stress as a Caregiver?

Elderly Care in Newport Beach CA: As a caregiver, you're going to experience at least a little bit of stress. Some of those situations fit into some specific categories that enable you to find solutions a little more easily.
Elderly Care in Newport Beach CA: What Kinds of Situations Contribute to Stress as a Caregiver?

As a caregiver, you’re going to experience at least a little bit of stress. Some of those situations fit into some specific categories that enable you to find solutions a little more easily.


Not Enough or Poor Quality Sleep

Sleep is essential for everyone, but it’s especially important for family caregivers. If you’re not getting enough sleep or your sleep is just not high quality, you’re likely to be exhausted for the rest of the day. Figure out how to get some decent sleep, even if that means contacting your doctor and setting up an appointment for yourself. Once you’re getting good, high quality sleep, you may find that dealing with the demands of your day is infinitely easier.


Never Having Any Time Alone

How often are you able to spend time by yourself doing whatever you want to do? If your answer is “never” or “not often,” you might need to start carving out private time just for you. At first, you might not even know what to do with private time that is allocated just for you. Start picking up hobbies you’ve ignored or try a new one. Meditate or take the time to exercise. Whatever you do, do it because it’s something you want to do.


Feeling Alone and Lonely

Isolation and loneliness are not uncommon at all for people who take care of elderly loved ones. Reach out to family members and friends that you may have lost contact with over your time as a caregiver. If you’re looking to make new connections, joining a support group can be a fantastic way to meet new people who are also dealing with the same caregiving issues you are.


Uninformed Comments from Other People

No matter what your loved one’s health issues are, you’re likely to hear all sorts of comments from other people about what you should be doing or how you should be handling the situation. The problem is, those people aren’t in your exact situation, so they can’t know what is truly best for your loved one. You do because you’re her family caregiver and you’re working hard every day to make sure that you’re managing her needs the best way that you can.

Figuring out how to manage your stress is essential as a caregiver. Allow yourself the time and the space to find the solutions that work best for you. If your loved one needs constant care, consider hiring elderly care providers to give yourself the time and space to do what you need to do.

If you or an aging loved one are considering elderly care in Newport Beach, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)


Excerpt: There are as many situations that cause stress for family caregivers as there are family caregivers, but many of them have some aspects in common. Here are some of the potential causes for stress you might face.

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