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Natural Tips for Managing High Blood Pressure in Elderly Adults

Elderly Care in Irvine CA: Does your elderly loved one suffer from high blood pressure? If so, you probably already know the dangers that could occur if their high blood pressure goes untreated.
Elderly Care in Irvine CA: Managing High Blood Pressure

Does your elderly loved one suffer from high blood pressure? If so, you probably already know the dangers that could occur if their high blood pressure goes untreated. High blood pressure could cause a stroke, heart disease, vision issues, and more. However, there is some good news. There are many natural ways that your elderly loved one can manage their high blood pressure. If you and your loved one’s home care providers help them to do these things, your loved one can be healthier in no time.


Elderly Care in Irvine CA: Managing High Blood Pressure


Losing Weight

While it can be tough to lose weight, if your elderly loved one is overweight, it is very important for them to try losing weight. In fact, research shows that losing 10 lbs can help to reduce one’s blood pressure level. It is also important to know that losing weight can increase the effectiveness of your loved one’s blood pressure medications. In some instances, weight loss might help to lower the amount of medication your loved one needs to take to manage their blood pressure. This is something they would need to run by their doctor first.


Eating Healthier

If your elderly loved one eats healthier, they could lower or at least manage their blood pressure levels. One of the most recommended diets for those with high blood pressure is the DASH diet. This type of diet would include eating limited amounts of dairy products, vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Research shows that eating healthy regularly can reduce blood pressure levels by 8 to 14 points.


More Physical Activity

If you can get your elderly loved one to become more physically active, that could also help to lower their blood pressure, as well. If your loved one hasn’t been very active, they should ask their doctor what exercise regimen would be best for them. It might be recommended that your loved one starts with a small amount of physical activity such as walking for 10 minutes a day and slowly increase their activity up from there.


No Alcohol or Smoking

Studies show that those who drink alcohol and/or smoke cigarettes often have higher blood pressure levels. If your loved one needs help in managing their blood pressure, it is important that they know not to consume alcohol and not to smoke. If they need help quitting either of these things, they can ask their doctor for help.

These are some of the natural tips that could help to manage your elderly loved one’s blood pressure levels. Use these tips to help your loved one to become healthier.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elderly Care in Irvine, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)



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