Senior Care News

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How Can You Put Some Zing Back in Your Senior’s Life?

If your senior seems to have lost some of the spring in her step, you may need to dig a little deeper and see what sorts of changes might be in order. Some of these changes are ones that you can do slowly in stages, which is often an easier way to make lasting shifts.

Check out What She’s Eating Most Often

That old cliché about how you are what you eat is recounted so often because it’s true. If your elderly family member is eating junk food that’s highly processed, she probably doesn’t feel so great. But when she’s eating healthier foods, her body and her brain are getting the nutrients that they need in order for her to thrive. So getting a full picture of what her normal meals look like gives you a starting point.

Look into Starting an Exercise Routine

Exercise isn’t always the most fun thing that people do, but it can make your elderly family member boost her moods, boost her energy levels, and even help her to sleep better. And if she’s got weakened bones, then weight-bearing exercises can help her to reverse the problem before she suffers a painful fracture. Talk to her doctor about what she should be doing in terms of exercising.

Get to Know Her Peeps

Your senior’s peeps – or the friends she spends the most time around – are an important group. They keep your elderly family member social and that’s vital for her. If she’s spending more and more time at home, she may be isolating herself. That can lead to depression and to other mental health problems that you definitely want to help her avoid. Help her to meet new people if she’s not socializing much.

Figure out What Her Doctor Has to Say

The next step is to talk to your aging family member’s doctor about what sorts of specific issues she has to manage. Depending on your senior’s existing and potential health issues, there may be some things that you can do now to help mitigate those concerns. As you make some of the other changes you’re considering, you may find that she’s able to improve some of these issues.

These changes won’t completely turn back the clock for your senior, but they can help her to feel that her quality of life is improved. You might also want to look into hiring elder care providers to take over some tasks for her. This lets her spend her time and her energy on the activities that light her up.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Home Care in Huntington Beach, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

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