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3 Tips for Helping Your Loved One Become Accustomed to Dentures

Home Care in Laguna Beach CA: Is your loved one avoiding wearing her new dentures? Here are some tips that can help her to become more used to them.

Home Care in Laguna Beach CA

Often when someone gets a new set of dentures, there’s a bit of a learning curve with them. Unfortunately, most people expect to be able to put in a set of dentures and start using them right away. Here are some things that you can do in order to help your loved one become more used to her new dentures.

Go Slowly with Foods

It’s going to take time for your loved one’s mouth to adjust to the dentures and to the pressure that they put on her gums when she’s eating. She’ll need to stick to softer foods for quite a while until her mouth adjusts. Gradually you can try out other foods and see how she responds to them. Try getting a list of foods from her dentist that she can easily start out with. There’s no rush to start eating harder foods right away, because your loved one can move at her own pace.

She Needs to Wear the Dentures

The biggest part of your loved one getting used to her dentures is that she needs to wear them. All too often, loved ones wear only the upper or lower dentures or they avoid putting the dentures in altogether. This complicates the process whereby she becomes used to the dentures and it can draw out the timeframe by months or even years. Your loved one needs to wear the dentures as recommended by her dentist. A certain amount of pain or discomfort is to be expected at first, but you should let your loved one’s dentist know about any severe pain or bleeding that occurs.

Speaking Takes More Practice

Especially if your loved one has been missing a few teeth for a long time, having a mouth full of teeth, even artificial ones, can make talking difficult. Your loved one might be embarrassed about this, so it’s important that she’s able to practice talking with her new dentures in. Ask your loved one’s home care providers for help with activities that can help to improve your loved one’s speech while wearing her dentures. If she starts out slowly and carefully, she’ll start to notice that her speech and enunciation improve the more that she practices.

Once your loved one is used to wearing and using her dentures, she’ll probably find that they’re a useful tool for her.


If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Laguna Beach, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

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