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The Types of Services Offered by a Home Care Agency

Home Care in Irvine CA: You've heard about home care, but you're not sure what it entails. Here are the different types of services available to help your parents age at home.
Home Care in Irvine CA: Home Care Agency Services

You’ve heard about home care, but you’re not sure what it entails. Here are the different types of services available to help your parents age at home. Talk about them with your parents and other close family members.

Home Care in Irvine CA: Home Care Agency Services
Home Care in Irvine CA: Home Care Agency Services

Personal Care and Grooming Services

A home care agency can help you find a caregiver who helps your parents with showering. The caregiver can help them dry hard-to-reach places like feet and the small of the back. The caregiver can apply moisturizers and get dressed.

Once dressed, caregivers can help with oral care, drying/styling hair, and shaving. They can button shirts, tie shoes, and trim and file fingernails or toenails.

Household Chores

If your parents have a hard time with household chores like vacuuming, mopping, and dusting, caregivers can help. You can also arrange to have caregivers do the laundry, put clean clothes away, and run the dishwasher.

Caregivers can prepare meals, label them with reheating instructions and wash and dry the dishes afterward. They can sweep floors of pet hair. They can run the self-clean cycle on the oven.

If needed, talk to a home care agency about having the caregiver handle other light housekeeping chores like sterilizing doorknobs, light switches, and remotes. Ask them about helping make beds and change linens.


Should your parents still drive to stores? Caregivers can take over and drive them instead. Caregivers can take your parents on a drive along the lake or bring them to a library to borrow books. They can run errands, too. If your parents need prescription refills, caregivers can drive them or pick them up on the way to your parents’ house.

Caregivers can help your parents schedule appointments with doctors, dentists, therapists, etc. and drive them there. If you’re worried about missing out on information from the doctors, caregivers can relay any changes in medications or care instructions to you.


Companionship services are even more important. Rather than being alone day in and day out, your parents can have a caregiver there to go shopping with them. They can have their caregiver bring them to the dentist or hairdresser. With home care services, your parents have caregivers to walk with, play games with, run errands with, or talk to during a meal.

It’s the best way to build a comprehensive care plan that works for your parents. Plus, it also makes sure you and your siblings don’t have to drastically change your work, family, or social schedules. Talk to a home care agency to make arrangements.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Care in Irvine, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

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