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Home Care Services: 3 Of The Best Memory Aids for Your Elderly Loved One

Home Care Services: Is your elderly loved one have trouble remembering things? Maybe, they forget to take their medications?
Home Care Services in Laguna Beach CA: Memory Aids

Home Care Services: Is your elderly loved one have trouble remembering things?

Home Care Services in Laguna Beach CA: Memory Aids
Home Care Services in Laguna Beach CA: Memory Aids

Maybe, they forget to take their medications? They might forget how to get back to their house when they go for a walk. These are just some of the common things that many elderly people forget. The good news is there are some great memory aids that can help your elderly loved one. Home Care Services is another option to assist with this.

Using a GPS System

Is your elderly loved one forgetting how to get home when they go for a walk? If this is the case, you may want to get a GPS system for them. There are many types of GPS systems that can be used. There are some that are put into watches, on smartphone apps, and on little devices. If your elderly loved one takes one of these with them while going for a walk, you or a senior care provider can always check in on their location. That way, if your elderly loved one can’t find their way home, someone can go pick them up.

Medication Reminders

Has your elderly loved one been forgetting to take their medications? If so, there are many ways to help them remember to take their medication from now on. Some of the ways to help them remember to take their medicine include:

  • Getting personal care at home services, so the elderly care providers can give these reminders
  • Downloading an app on their smartphone that will notify them when to take medications
  • Getting a medication dispenser that alerts your loved one when it is time to take a medication
  • Having your loved one wear a watch that sends a medication reminder message

These are some of the best ways to help elderly people remember to take their medications. You can work with your elderly loved one to see which option works best for them.


Does your elderly loved one often think of things, but shortly after it comes to their mind they forget? If this is happening, it would probably help them to carry around a little notebook. That way, when something pops into their mind that they need to remember, it can be written down in their notebook. Later on, they can look at the notebook, so they can do the task or activity they thought about earlier.

Home Care Services: Conclusion

These are some of the best memory aids for senior citizens. If needed, you can get home care services, so the elder care providers can help your elderly loved one to remember. In addition, you can use any combination of these aids to help them, as well.


If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Services in Laguna Beach, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)



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