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Six Questions to Ask When Your Mom Wants to Try a New Diet

Home Care Services in Newport Beach CA: Every year, new diet trends hit the market and draw attention.
Home Care Services in Newport Beach CA: Trying a New Diet

Every year, new diet trends hit the market and draw attention. When a celebrity quickly loses weight, the trending diet becomes extra appealing. Your mom’s doctor recommends she loses weight. She’s seen the latest diet and wants to try it. Before she does, you should ask her these six questions.


Home Care Services in Newport Beach CA: Trying a New Diet
Home Care Services in Newport Beach CA: Trying a New Diet

What Does Her Doctor Say?

Ask your mom what her doctor recommends. Most doctors don’t recommend fad diets. Instead, they look at dietary plans that are manageable and make the most of healthy eating habits. That’s why the Mediterranean Diet and DASH Diet plans are usually top recommendations.


Why Does She Want to Try It?

Why does your mom want to try a diet? Is it that a celebrity lost weight quickly? Most of the time, the diet is secondary to an increase in exercise. Your mom needs to be aware that diet alone isn’t always enough.


Can She Afford It?

Some diets can be expensive. If your mom is on a budget, the diet she wants to try may not be affordable. If the diet requires her to purchase only organic seafood, dairy, grains, and vegetables, does she have enough money to afford to switch to only organic products?


Is the Diet Suitable to Her Lifestyle?

Some diets require a lot of planning and cooking times. If the diet she’s looking at requires hours of prep work and cooking times each day, can she manage that? Will she need to spend time carefully weighing the foods she eats? If so, how likely is it that she’ll find that tedious work boring after a day or two?


Would She Have to Give Up Her Favorite Foods?

Your mom loves her daily cup of coffee. On the new diet, she’s only allowed herbal tea. Would she become frustrated that she’s had to give up her morning coffee? Are there other foods she has to stop eating that would bother her over time? If so, she’s not likely to succeed with the diet.


Is She Capable of Making Healthy Meals?

How are your mom’s culinary skills? If she has arthritis in the fingers and struggles to chop meats and vegetables, how does she plan to prepare the meals in this new diet? If she’d have a hard time making the meals, she needs someone to help her.

Would it help your mom to have elder care aides cook her meals? If she struggles to make healthy meals and relies on frozen meals and takeout, it’s time to talk about having elder care services that focus on helping your mom improve her eating habits. Call and ask an elder care specialist about meal preparation and grocery shopping assistance.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Care Services in Newport Beach CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
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