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How Can You Support Your Siblings When They Provide the Bulk of Your Dad’s Care?

Home Health Care in Newport Coast CA: You feel guilty. You don't live close enough to help with your dad's care You have to rely on your siblings to do more than their fair share.

You feel guilty. You don’t live close enough to help with your dad’s care You have to rely on your siblings to do more than their fair share. If you’re not close enough to help regularly, how can you best support your dad and siblings?

It will differ from one family to the next. Start by thinking about the things that your siblings stress about the most. If your sister says how she feels burned out, a break may be the best gift you can give her. If your brother is having a hard time staying organized, helping with organization is better. Here are some ideas.


Home Health Care in Newport Coast CA: Support Your Siblings Who Provide Care
Home Health Care in Newport Coast CA: Support Your Siblings Who Provide Care


Think About Tasks You Can Do From Your Home

You can’t help at your dad’s house as often as you wish. Come up with ways you can help from your house. Could you schedule yearly heating system inspections and cleanings for them? Would taking over the bill paying help? What about ordering grocery deliveries and prescription refills for them?

Your brothers and sisters may find it helpful if you do the yearly research into the best health insurance and dental insurance plans for your dad. They may find it saves time if you take over shopping for his home and auto insurance plans.

Ask if bill paying, appointment arranging, or managing medical records and needs is helpful. Those can all be done from your house and shared with them so that everyone has the information they need as they provide your dad’s care.


Surprise Them With Gifts

From time to time, surprise your siblings with a gift to show your appreciation. If you know your sister adores flowers, you could have an arrangement sent to her house. If your brother loves coffee, have a coffee gift basket sent to him.

If you have time to visit, take them out to dinner or pick up takeout from one of their favorite restaurants and have a family dinner together. While you’re in town, give them a day off.


Discuss Respite Care Services to Ensure They Take Breaks

Has your family talked about the benefits of home care? If your siblings are doing everything and feeling stressed, it’s time to discuss the many ways caregivers help families care for an aging parent. Your dad could have a caregiver to help with transportation, which would free up your brother’s or sister’s time.

Sit down and have a family discussion about home care. Even one day each week could help your family have free time for fun activities together. Make arrangements for respite care and other services by calling a home care agency.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Health Care in Newport Coast, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

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