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Home Health Care: How Can You Tell If Your Parents Are Eating Well?

Home Health Care: Seven of ten seniors that go to the hospital are at risk of malnutrition. A diet lacking in vital nutrients can increase their health risks.
Home Health Care in Laguna Beach CA: Healthy Eating

Home Health Care: It’s estimated that almost seven out of ten older adults that go to the hospital are at risk of malnutrition.

Home Health Care in Laguna Beach CA: Healthy Eating
Home Health Care in Laguna Beach CA: Healthy Eating

A diet lacking in vital nutrients can increase the risk of many common health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. These diets can increase the risk of thinning bones, which increases the chances of fracturing a bone during a fall. They also impact the liver by increasing the risk of fatty liver disease. Your parents’ dietary habits are essential for all of those reasons. How can you or your home health care provider tell if they’re eating well or making poor nutritional choices?

They No Longer Cook Meals

Your mom used to make elaborate meals. As she’s gotten older, she stopped. When it’s time for dinner, she’ll heat a can of ravioli. The foods she’s choosing are high in sodium, sugar, and saturated fat. She doesn’t eat many vegetables now.

If your mom and dad don’t cook meals and rely heavily on frozen dinners, canned soups, and pasta, or takeout, they’re not going to eat as well as they could with meals prepared from scratch.

Their Weight Is Changing

If your parents are not eating enough, they’re going to lose weight. They’ll lose weight if they’re becoming more active and are not increasing their caloric intake. A loss of a few pounds a month isn’t alarming if they’re trying to lose weight. If they’re not trying to, however, the weight loss is something to discuss.

If they’re making poor food choices, such as a lot of takeout in place of home-cooked meals, they may start gaining weight. Health conditions like depression or thyroid conditions can also lead to weight gain or weight loss. They should talk to their doctor if they’re gaining or losing weight without trying to.

Home Health Care:  They Pick at the Foods You Serve

You’ve noticed that your parents pick at meals. It’s important to get to the root of why this is happening. If your dad has dentures, are they slipping? Does your mom have a broken tooth or cavity that needs care? Tooth and gum health issues can impact how much and what types of foods they eat.

As they age, their taste buds don’t regenerate like they used to. Foods may not taste the same, so the foods they used to love are now unappealing. If that’s happening, it’s time to offer new foods and see what they like.

Hire personal care at home aides to prepare meals for your mom and dad. They’ll have nutritious meals and snacks to provide them with the vitamins and minerals they need.

Arrange home health care services by talking to a specialist about your parents’ daily routines and habits. You’ll learn more about prices and be able to set up times for caregiver visits before the call ends.


If you or an aging loved one are considering hiring Home Health Care in Laguna Beach, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)



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