Senior Care News

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Here’s Why You Should Hire a Caregiver When You Care for Your Mom

Home Health Care in Tustin CA: In a joint study released by AARP and the National Alliance for Caregiving, there are almost 40 million caregivers in the U.S. who care for an adult. More than 34 million of these caregivers provide free care to someone over the age of 50.

In a joint study released by AARP and the National Alliance for Caregiving, there are almost 40 million caregivers in the U.S. who care for an adult. More than 34 million of these caregivers provide free care to someone over the age of 50.


Home Health Care in Tustin CA: Hiring A Caregiver For Senior


You are one of those people. You’re providing free elder care to your mom. It just seems best for everyone. Your mom gets quality care. She’s saving money. You’re helping the woman who raised you.

Even if you get along with your mom and love offering the care she needs, elder care services are essential. Here are some of the reasons you should look into caregivers.


Caregiving Takes Time

The average family caregiver devotes 19 days a month to providing care. That’s more than half of a month. Depending on your situation, you may also need to work, take care of your children, and manage your own household. You’re stretching yourself thin.


Your Mom May Not Want You Helping With Certain Tasks

While your mom is happy to have you help her with cooking and cleaning, what about some of the more intimate tasks that arise. If she needs help on the toilet, will she want you to be the one to assist her?

Many seniors are not comfortable having their adult child washing them in a bath or shower. They don’t want their child helping with toileting. Some don’t even want that family caregiver to feed them. If your mom is similarly minded, she may feel better having a trained caregiver step in for those tasks.


You May Need a Sick Day Every Now and Then

You can do your best to stay healthy, but there are no guarantees. If you have kids still in school, they’ll be bringing home all kinds of germs. If you do develop a bad cold or strain a muscle, you’ll need a caregiver to take over for you until you’re feeling better.


You Don’t Want to Burn Out

Caregiver burnout is real and problematic. If you’re exhausted, how can you really provide the care your mom needs?

To make sure you’re energized and ready to care for your mom, you need to take breaks. Caregivers offer respite care services. This means they fill in for you temporarily. They do the same elder care tasks you do, so you won’t return to work that needs doing.

Respite care is arranged when you need it. Call an elder care agency to get started.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Health Care in Tustin, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)


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