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You Can’t Freeze Aging. What is Your Family’s Plan as Your Parents Get Older?

Homecare in Huntington Beach CA: You have kids and beg them not to grow up too fast. When they do, you ask them to stop growing up.

You have kids and beg them not to grow up too fast. When they do, you ask them to stop growing up. You can’t freeze the aging process. As the years go by, there’s another time you’ll find yourself wishing you could stop people from aging. This time it’s your parents.

Your mom and dad used to be so active.
Retirement arrived and they slowed down a little. More years pass, and you find they’re having a harder time standing up after sitting on the sofa to watch a movie. They go very slowly up the stairs. They’re forgetting to pay bills or make appointments. You’re worried.

This is a very common situation as parents age and they lose mobility. Not every parent will slow down, but when it happens, it’s concerning. You often have little to no warning with some of the common chronic health conditions senior citizens experience. This is why it’s best to have a care plan in place long before it’s needed.

Sit Down and Discuss These Options With Your Mom and Dad

-One of the first things to talk to your parents about is an advance directive and power of attorney forms. If anything happens, you’ll want them to have chosen someone to act on their behalf. They need someone to help pay their bills and manage their money. They also need someone to make the medical decisions they’d choose.

-Your parents also want to talk about how they see themselves aging. Do they dream of selling their home and downsizing to something smaller or more manageable? Do they want to stay in the family home for the rest of their lives? They may want to move to be closer to their grandchildren or head to a new area with warmer weather.

-When they do need help with activities of daily living, who would they want helping them? Would they want family members helping out or would that make them feel like a burden? Do they prefer the thought of a paid elderly care aide helping out? They may prefer a mix of family care and professional elderly care services.

-Talk about what happens when they can no longer drive. Who would they want telling them it was time? Would they be happier hearing it from their doctor or from you? If you have to take their keys away, would they want you to sell their care or save it for a caregiver who will be driving them around?

Involve Them in Interviews

When it’s time to hire elderly care services, involve your parents. Let them ask questions directly. It will make the transition to elderly care go smoothly.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Homecare in Huntington Beach, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

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