Every February, the nation celebrates American Heart Month.
With Valentine’s Day falling in the middle of the month, it’s the perfect time for people to learn about taking better care of their physical hearts while also proclaiming the love that resides in their emotional hearts.
Heart disease is the most common cause of death in the United States and as your parents’ age, the possibility of a severe heart trauma increases each year. Luckily, there are some fun activities your parent can participate in to help keep his heart in tip-top shape as he celebrates American Heart Month.
Putting on a little of your parent’s favorite music and dancing with his favorite people is an enjoyable way to get exercise and strengthen the heart muscle. The social aspect of dancing, along with the cardiovascular activity, both promote good heart health. Dancing burns up a lot of calories and thus helps to keep your parent’s weight in control. Unfortunately, with the current pandemic health guidelines, many dance classes have had to be put on hold due to the inability to social distance while dancing. But this doesn’t mean your parent has to give it up. He can dance along with videos or maybe learn a few new moves while practicing with a YouTube video. Your elder care provider or you can even help by being his dance partner. For silly dancing, set up a family Zoom Dance party and your elderly parent can dance virtually with all the grandkids.
Walking is one of the oldest forms of exercise and, for many, the easiest. Even on cold days, with proper attire, your elderly parent can take a walk outside for fresh air and some cardiovascular activity. It requires very little equipment besides some good shoes and clear pathways. Your elder care provider can help your parent go for a walk around the block or in a nearby park to prevent any concerns of slipping or falling. If a local mall is open, your elder care provider could bring him there to walk around before the stores are open. Many malls open early specifically for people wanting to walk inside. It’s easy to stay socially distant and provides a good, warm, level place to walk, eliminating concerns about injury or weather-related concerns.
When pools are open, or if your parent happens to have his own pool, swimming is one of the best ways for the elderly to get a great cardio workout without causing pain to joints or muscles. The water provides weightlessness that makes swimming almost a no-impact workout.
It also provides just enough resistance to movement to increase your parent’s heart rate, toning up his heart and making it stronger. Many pools and gyms have water workouts specifically geared toward seniors so keep an eye out for when those open back up if swimming is something your senior parent enjoys. Your elder care provider would be happy to drive your parent to his classes when the time comes.
If your elderly parent is interested in celebrating American Heart Month by keeping his heart healthy, any of these activities will be a great place to start.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering Homecare in Irvine CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
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