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What Can a Caregiver Support Group Do for You?

Homecare in Newport Beach CA: Sometimes being a caregiver can make you feel alone. Because of the time caregivers spend with the older adult they are caring for, they have little time to spend with friends and family.
Homecare in Newport Beach CA: Caregiver Support Groups

Sometimes being a caregiver can make you feel alone.
Because of the time caregivers spend with the older adult they are caring for, they have little time to spend with friends and family. They may also feel like they are going through something no one else is. If you’re a caregiver who feels alone, rest assured you are not. One way to remind yourself of this is by attending a caregiver support group. There are many benefits of a caregiver support group. Some of them are described below.


Homecare in Newport Beach CA: Caregiver Support Groups

Feeling of Connection

Spending time in a room filled with caregivers can remind you that you are not alone in your journey. There are many other people who are also providing unpaid care to others. In fact, there are about 48 million family caregivers in the United States. A caregiver support group is a safe place for people to share their feelings and experiences.


Get Specific Advice

When you join a caregiver support group, you have an opportunity to learn from others who may have more experience than you. By sharing your challenges, you may hear tips that can make things easier. Because there are also support groups specific to conditions, you may even be able to attend one where you can receive specific advice about your aging relative’s condition.


Improve Your Mood

Having a place where you can unburden yourself without fear of being judged can help you to relieve stress. In addition, just spending some time in the presence of others may make you feel a little better. After all, sometimes you just need a break from caregiving.


Make New Friends

People in caregiver support groups often develop relationships outside of group meetings. You may find that you click with someone in your group and become friends. This can give you someone to talk to between meetings. You may even decide to swap favors, such as picking up a gallon of milk for your friend while you’re at the grocery store or them spending a little time with your older family member while you run an errand.


Get Insight Into the Future

The people in a caregiver group are at different stages of care. This is especially true for people who are caring for seniors with progressive diseases, such as dementia, ALS, or kidney disease. Talking to caregivers whose family members are at a later stage of a disease than your older family member is, can give you some insight into what to expect as the disease progresses.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Homecare in Newport Beach, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
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