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Seven Situations Where Respite Care is a Great Solution

Homecare in San Juan Capistrano CA: One of the services families should use is respite care. It's easily arranged by making a call to a senior care agency.
Homecare in San Juan Capistrano CA: Respite Care

Homecare in San Juan Capistrano CA: Respite Care

One of the services families should use is respite care. It’s easily arranged by making a call to a senior care agency. Why arrange respite care? Here are seven situations where respite care would make a difference.

Caregiver Burnout

You’ve been the only one caring for your dad since he was diagnosed with a chronic health condition. The balance of his care, your job, and your responsibilities at your house are becoming overwhelming. It’s okay to take a break and let senior care aides take over.


You’re not feeling great. Your dad relies on your help each Friday, but you woke up with a headache. You’re coughing and have a fever. It could be the flu. The last thing you want to do is bring this virus into your dad’s home, but no one else in the family lives close enough to help him while you take a day off.

Senior care services can help. While you recover, caregivers can step in and help your dad out. He doesn’t have to be alone, and you don’t have to go to his home while you’re sick.

Business Trips

You have to go out of town for a week-long business conference. While you’re out of town, you don’t want your dad trying to do things on his own. You’re not there to drive him to stores, and you know he’ll try to drive himself if you haven’t made arrangements.

Respite care can cover your business trips. Caregivers can drive him to stores, take him to medical appointments, clean his home, and keep him company.


It’s school vacation time, and you have plans to go away with your kids. While you’re away, you want to have peace of mind that your dad isn’t alone every day. With respite care, you know a caregiver is stopping by to help your dad with everything from housework to meals.


An overload of work or staff shortages has you working longer hours than normal. You’re so busy with work that you haven’t found time to take your dad shopping or cook his meals. You can ask caregivers to help your dad while you’re working more.


You were in a car accident and have been told by doctors to stay at home for a week. You’re not supposed to lift heavier items. You cannot drive for now. You also are taking pain medications that make you feel lightheaded. You need to focus on yourself and let someone else help your dad.

Surgical Recovery

You needed surgery and have to take a couple of weeks to recover. You might have broken a bone while skiing or had your appendix rupture. While you heal, your dad has the help he needs thanks to caregivers from a senior care agency.

Respite care can occur on a routine basis or for just one time. Talk to a senior care representative to learn more about prices and how to schedule respite care.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Homecare in San Juan Capistrano, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

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