Senior Care News

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How Prevalent is Caregiver Stress?

Home Care in Laguna Woods CA: Whether you have been caring for your aging parent for several years or you are just getting started, one thing that you have likely heard a considerable amount about is caregiver stress.

Whether you have been caring for your aging parent for several years or you are just getting started with your caregiver journey, one thing that you have likely heard a considerable amount about is caregiver stress.

This is a particular type of stress that impacts those who are caring for elderly family members or others who have considerable care needs. Studies have shown that those who are in caregiver positions are far more likely than those who are not to not only experience stress, but also the consequences that can result from this stress.


Home Care Laguna Woods CA: Caregiver Stress


But how prevalent is this stress really? And how can it impact you as a family caregiver? Understanding this can help you to be more aware of your own mental and emotional health and well-being, and take steps to reduce not only this stress but the impact that it can make on you.

Some things that you should know about caregiver stress include:

  • There are nearly 44 million family caregivers in the United States
  • More than half of family caregivers throughout the United States maintain a career while caring for their family member
  • Approximately 30% of family caregivers report feeling depressed during their caregiver journey
  • Those suffering from stress are more likely to experience infections, illnesses, fatigue, and other mental and emotional health concerns
  • The instance of caregiver stress is higher among those who are in ‘the sandwich generation.’ That is, those who are caring for both their senior and children
  • Approximately half of adults in their forties and fifties have an aging parent and are caring for children under the age of 18
  • Approximately 1 in 7 adults in this age range provide consistent financial support for an aging parent and child

Being a family caregiver for an elderly adult can be stressful, challenging, and, at times, overwhelming. This can be especially true if you are a member of the sandwich generation caring for your elderly adult and your children, or if you live at a distance from your senior and are not able to be with your parent as often as you would like to be. Fortunately, home care can be there for you. The highly personalized services of an in-home care services provider can fill care gaps and ensure that your parent’s individual needs are met in the way that is right for them. These can be care needs that you are not able to handle due to your own challenges, limitations, or distance, care needs that your parent or you are not comfortable with you handling, tasks that need to be handled more frequently that you can fulfill them, or just the support that companionship can offer.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Care in Laguna Woods CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

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