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How Do You Know When It’s Time for In-Home Care?

In-Home Care Rancho Santa Fe CA-As your parent's health and mobility change, they struggle more and more. How do you know if it's time for in-home care services? Here are some indicators.
In-Home Care Rancho Santa Fe CA - How Do You Know When It's Time for In-Home Care?

Just over 22% of family members report having helped their parents out at some point in the past month. Are you part of that group? Your mom is finding it difficult to take care of herself or her home. As her health and mobility change, she struggles more and more. How do you know if it’s time for in-home care services?

Your Mom Feels Lonely or Isolated

How close is your mom’s nearest neighbor or family member? If she lives in a rural area and has no one around, it’s likely she feels isolated and lonely. She relies on others to visit her as often as possible, but it’s getting harder to stop in as often as she’d like.

Companionship visits from a home care agency really help your mom avoid feelings of isolation. She’ll have someone to join her for meals, help her clean her home, and drive her around when needed.

Your Mom’s Health Has Changed

Your mom saw her doctor and learned she has high blood pressure, heart disease, or another chronic health condition. She needs to go to her doctor more frequently now, change her diet, and take prescription medications.

Some of those medications cause concerning side effects like dizziness and nausea. Your mom worries about being alone when those side effects kick in. She’d feel safer if someone was with her.

Your Mom Cannot Drive Anymore

Due to her worsening vision, your mom’s eye doctor told her to stop driving. Or, she had a stroke or heart attack and cannot drive until she has medical clearance. She has to hand over her keys, and that makes it hard for her to run errands and keep her appointments.

How often can you and other family members drive her around? Be realistic, especially if everyone works during the week. Your mom’s medical appointments are all in the middle of the morning, so you’re struggling to get time off for her. She feels guilty, and you’re worried about the hours of work you’re having to take unpaid or use up personal time on.

In-home care services like transportation ensure your mom has a ride when she needs one. Her caregiver can bring her to her doctor’s office or physical therapy practice. You no longer have to worry, and your mom stops feeling guilty about having to always ask you.

Talk to Your Mom and Immediate Family Members About Hiring In-Home Care Providers

In-Home Care Rancho Santa Fe CA - How Do You Know When It's Time for In-Home Care?
In-Home Care Rancho Santa Fe CA – How Do You Know When It’s Time for In-Home Care?

Sit down with immediate family members and your mom. Find out who is available to help her out in the areas she feels are most important. Where are there gaps?

Before you make a call, come up with a list of questions you, your mom, and other family members have. Once you have that list of questions and concerns, call our in-home care expert to get answers and advice. You’ll discuss prices and services and have the information you need to book in-home care for your mom.


If you or an aging loved one are considering In-Home Care Services in Rancho Santa Fe CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!  1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

Canaan Home Care – A Premier Provider of Senior Home Care in the La Jolla, Del Mar, San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Tustin, and Manhattan Beach areas.

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