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Home Modifications for a Senior with Hearing Loss

Senior Care in Huntington Beach CA: Hearing loss is an extremely common issue for older adults. In fact, statistics show that approximately 25 percent of adults between the ages of 64 and 74 deal with some degree of hearing loss.

Senior Care in Huntington Beach CA

Hearing loss is an extremely common issue for older adults. In fact, statistics show that approximately 25 percent of adults between the ages of 64 and 74 deal with some degree of hearing loss. Those who are aged 75 and older are at a 50 percent risk of suffering hearing loss. This limitation can make a tremendous difference in your parent’s quality of life and ability to manage some of their basic daily tasks. This can result in anxiety, depression, and even the feeling that they are losing their sense of independence and autonomy. With some simple home modifications and the help of a senior care provider, your parent can still enjoy independence while dealing with hearing loss.


Some of the simple home modifications that you can make to help a senior with hearing loss include:

  • Visual doorbell. If your parent is not able to hear well, they may not be able to hear when someone comes to the door. A visual doorbell flashes lights when someone rings the door so that your parent does not have to hear it in order to know that someone is at the door.
  • Visual smoke detector. One of the most important features of any home is a smoke detector. This device can alert your parent to the danger of a residential fire, potentially saving them from serious structural damage, injury, and even the possibility of death. If they cannot hear the detector, however, they may not know to get out and could put themselves in even greater danger. A visual smoke detector uses a strobe light to alert to the presence of smoke so that your parent can respond properly.
  • Closed captioning. Enjoying television can be difficult for a senior who is dealing with hearing loss. In fact, this is often one of the first symptoms that appears and indicates that an aging adult is suffering from a loss in their hearing ability. While it might not seem like a big deal for them to have to turn up the volume a bit when watching their favorite show, if they are having to turn it up so high that it is uncomfortable to others in the home, it could be a problem. Seniors who are dealing with hearing loss may also have trouble hearing effectively even when the volume is high. They might be able to hear the sounds, but not really be able to detect the specific words. Setting up the closed captioning on their television enables them to read along with their favorite shows and movies so that they are better invested in it and do not have to feel like they are always struggling to keep up.


If your parent is dealing with hearing loss, a senior care provider can make a major difference in their ability to maintain their lifestyle. This care provider can help them to not only manage their hearing loss through helping them with household tasks that require hearing, but can also encourage them to comply with hearing protection and treatment, such as proper and regular use of their assistive devices.


If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Huntington Beach CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)



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