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Top Activities When Not Shopping on Buy Nothing Day with Your Elderly Loved One

Senior Care in San Clemente CA: Thanksgiving is November 24, and any people think of the next day as Black Friday. In recent years, however, the backlash against excessive shopping on and near Thanksgiving has led to the establishment of November 25 as Buy Nothing Day.

Senior Care in San Clemente CA

Thanksgiving is November 24, and any people think of the next day as Black Friday. In recent years, however, the backlash against excessive shopping on and near Thanksgiving has led to the establishment of November 25 as Buy Nothing Day. Just as the name implies, this holiday is meant to encourage families not to head out to the stores in search of all of those deep Black Friday discounts and instead stay home and spend quality time together. As a family caregiver this is a wonderful opportunity for you to take some time to enjoy the holiday with your aging loved one and pursue your care goals in festive, memorable ways.


Let these activities inspire you to find memorable ways to spend quality time with your elderly loved one when you are not shopping on Buy Nothing Day:

  • Get creative with leftovers. In most families, Thanksgiving means leftovers. This is a great way to save time, energy, and effort during the rest of the Thanksgiving season and can also be a fun opportunity to get your aging parent in the kitchen getting their mind active and engaged as you work together to find creative, delicious, and even healthy ways to use those Thanksgiving leftovers. Label meals carefully and stock the freezer for easy meals later.
  • Start your Christmas cards. Sending Christmas cards is a meaningful way to connect with friends and family members. Make your favorite hot beverage and sit down with your aging parent to create a list of card recipients and then start creating handmade cards. These do not have to be elaborate. Even simple cards are a touching gesture for those who receive them.
  • Start holiday crafts. Doing arts and crafts with your aging parent is a wonderful way to stimulate their mind, create lasting, tangible memories, and make them feel involved and relevant to the holiday celebrations with their family. This is a fantastic opportunity to encourage them to make decorations or other useful items to use during the celebrations, or even handmade gifts to give loved ones.


Starting senior care for your aging parent can be an exceptional way to help them to enjoy the holiday season to its fullest while also making sure that they meet all of their needs and challenges. The holiday season can be a busy and stressful time, and especially if you are in the sandwich generation caring for both your children and your parent, you might find your to-do list growing and your time seeming tighter. A senior home care services provider can step in to fill any care gaps that might arise during this time, and to help your aging parent engage with the holiday season as much as they can while also addressing their individual needs, challenges, and limitations. This can include helping them to select the types of foods that are best for them, plan activities to keep them active and engaged both mentally and physically, and offer companionship and support that will help to guard them against depression, anxiety, and isolation that are common during this time of the year.


If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in San Clemente, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)


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