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October is National Reading Group Month

Senior Care in Tustin CA: Reading is always a beneficial pastime for seniors. It is relaxing, enjoyable, entertaining, and educational.

Senior Care in Tustin CA

Reading is always a beneficial pastime for seniors.  It is relaxing, enjoyable, entertaining, and educational.  Studies have even shown that regular reading promotes great brain health and can even prevent cognitive decline.  No matter what style of book or genre your senior loved one prefers, reading is a great habit to get into and a great activity to enjoy each and every day.  October is observed as National Reading Group Month to recognize the many benefits of participating in a reading group.  While reading alone is always wonderful, group reading and book discussion can enhance the reading experience.  If your senior loved one enjoys reading, take a look at some of these benefits of being part of a reading group.  If it sounds like an activity that would interest them, encourage them to join or start a reading group during the month of October!


Social Interaction

To prevent feelings of loneliness isolation, and even depression, seniors need to get plenty of social interaction.  A reading group is a great way for your senior loved one to meet up with friends and have great conversation.  The participants will be linked by a common interest – reading – so there will always be something to talk about.  Books can inspire deep thinking, creativity, and realizations which are all wonderful things your senior loved one can talk about at their reading group.


Regular Reading

Belonging to a reading group gives your loved a motivation to keep reading and to read every day.  If they don’t keep up with the reading, they won’t be able to participate in the discussions!  This can create a habit of reading regularly, which is the best way to get all of the benefits of reading.  In addition, it can help your loved one to fight off boredom, especially as the weather gets colder and less pleasant.



If your loved one is looking for an engaging hobby that they can do with friends and one that stimulates the mind, being a member of a reading group just might be a perfect fit.  Many seniors find reading and discussing the books to be an enjoyable and exciting activity that they look forward to each week or month.  Being a part of a reading group can help them to get out of the house and participate in something that is meaningful to them.


If you or an aging loved one are considering senior care in Tustin, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

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