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Reducing the Risk of Heart Disease by Increasing Healthy Habits

Senior Care in Irvine CA: Are you trying to help your elderly loved one to live their best life? If so, one of the things you can do is help them to make healthier choices in their life.
Senior Care in Irvine CA: Increasing Healthy Habits

Are you trying to help your elderly loved one to live their best life?
If so, one of the things you can do is help them to make healthier choices in their life. For example, many elderly loved people worry about their heart health. With certain lifestyle choices, such as drinking too much alcohol, there is a higher risk of heart disease. However, there are many ways that you and senior care providers can help your elderly loved one to reduce their risk of heart disease.


Senior Care in Irvine CA: Increasing Healthy Habits
Senior Care in Irvine CA: Increasing Healthy Habits

Doing Breathwork Along with Meditation

If you want to help your elderly loved one to reduce their risk of heart disease, you should encourage them to do breathwork along with meditation. There are so many different mind-body techniques that can help to improve one’s health. With breathwork and meditation, you can help your elderly loved one to reduce their stress. Lower stress levels can help to take the stress off from the heart – reducing the risk for heart disease.



Daily exercise is very important to help with reducing the risk of heart disease. If your elderly loved one is like most others their age, they may not exercise much. However, it is important for you and their senior care providers to convince your elderly loved one to exercise more. It doesn’t have to be anything too intense. You can encourage your elderly loved one to exercise by going for a daily walk around their neighborhood or even just down the street. As long as your elderly loved one is moving around, they are getting in some level of exercise.


Eating Right

It is important to know that the food your elderly loved one eats does affect their heart health. There are foods they may eat that increase their risk of heart disease. Some of these foods might include fried and greasy foods. There are also foods that your elderly loved one can eat that will reduce their risk of heart disease. Some of these foods might include vegetables and berries.



There are many things that could be negatively affecting your elderly loved one’s heart health at this moment. However, there are some things your elderly loved one can do to reduce the risk of heart disease. If you and senior care providers can get your loved one to follow these tips and lifestyle choices, they can improve their heart health. In the process, they can lower their riks of heart disease, as well.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Senior Care in Irvine CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)



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