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Does Your Elderly Loved One Have Pandemic Fatigue? Here is How You Can Help.

Senior Care in Laguna Beach CA: Do you know what pandemic fatigue is? If you haven’t heard of this yet, it is when someone is tired out because of the pandemic.
Senior Care in Laguna Beach CA: Pandemic Fatigue

Do you know what pandemic fatigue is?

If you haven’t heard of this yet, it is when someone is tired out because of the pandemic. They just want things to be normal again. The truth is that many people are getting fatigued because of the COVID-19 pandemic. This might be what your elderly loved one is going through, as well., If this is the case, there are some things that you can do to help.


Senior Care in Laguna Beach CA: Pandemic Fatigue

What problems are associated with pandemic fatigue?

The first thing that you should do is to figure out whether your elderly loved one has pandemic fatigue. If you are unsure of whether your elderly loved one has this or not, there are some ways that you can figure this out. The first thing to do is to determine whether they have problems that are associated with pandemic fatigue. Some of these problems might include the following:

  • -Trouble focusing
  • -Not sleeping or eating well
  • -Arguing more than usual
  • -Withdrawing from you and others they love
  • -Feeling edgy, stressed, anxious, or depressed
  • -Not having any motivation
  • -Experiencing racing thoughts

If your elderly loved one is dealing with these problems, they could have pandemic fatigue. If you find that this is, in fact, what they are experiencing, there are some things you can do to help.


What are some ways you can help your elderly loved one with pandemic fatigue?

If your elderly loved one does have pandemic fatigue, there are many things that you can do to help them. Some of these things include the following:

  • -Hire elder care providers (to socialize them and give them someone to vent to)
  • -Acknowledge how they are feeling (sometimes people just need someone to understand what they are feeling)
  • -Talk to your elderly loved one often (your loved one may want to see what you are up to as a way of experiencing more of just what they go through day-to-day)
  • -Stop watching the news (if your elderly loved one is watching the news too much, this could be causing their pandemic fatigue to be even worse)

These are some of the many things that you can do to help your elderly loved one if they have pandemic fatigue. If you hire elder care providers for them and use these other tips, you might be able to help your elderly loved one overcome their pandemic fatigue altogether.



Does your elderly loved one have pandemic fatigue? If so, utilizing the tips above can help them to overcome that fatigue and start feeling better.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Senior Care in Laguna Beach CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)



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