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Five Signs of Appetite Loss

Senior Care in San Clemente CA: It isn’t always easy to tell when your elderly family member isn’t eating as she should. One of the biggest reasons behind this can be that her appetite isn’t as strong as it used to be.

It isn’t always easy to tell when your elderly family member isn’t eating as she should.
One of the biggest reasons behind this can be that her appetite isn’t as strong as it used to be. These clues can help you dig a little deeper.


Senior Care in San Clemente CA: Senior Appetite Loss


She’s Losing Weight

If your elderly family member is losing weight and she isn’t trying, she might not be eating as well as she should be. Weight loss could also be related to not drinking enough water, especially if she’s taking medications that tend to function as a diuretic. Her doctor can let you know what your senior’s ideal weight should be.


She’s Not Cooking

When you check on your senior, check to see if she’s been cooking lately. She might let you know that she’s not had the time or that she’s been too tired. Truthfully, cooking can take time and energy that your senior doesn’t have. But not cooking can also mean that she hasn’t been hungry and therefore hasn’t been eating.


Her Food Choices Aren’t the Healthiest

You might also start to notice that your senior’s food choices might not be as healthy as they once were. She may rely on convenience foods, like frozen meals, or even fast food that she can stop and pick up. These types of foods may keep her full, but they don’t necessarily give her any of the nutrients that she needs the most.


Her Food Stores Aren’t What You Expect

It’s a good idea to take a look in your senior’s pantry and refrigerator. This can be especially helpful if you’ve been familiar with the types of foods that she’s had on hand in the past. People who tend to not have much of an appetite often don’t have a lot of food around because it’s not a priority. This can become a vicious cycle, though, keeping your senior from eating much because there’s nothing handy.

She’s Having Trouble with the Physical Aspects of Cooking

When your senior does cook, it’s important to take note of whether it’s difficult for her to do or not. She may have trouble lifting her pots and pans or she might find it annoying to cook for only herself. Listen to how she talks about cooking itself. If it’s something she describes in a consistently negative way, she might be avoiding it.

One of the easiest ways for you to start to get a handle on some of these issues for your elderly family member is to hire home care providers. They can take over the cooking for your senior and help you to assess how much and how often she’s eating when you’re not around.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering hiring Senior Care in San Clemente, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)


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