Senior Care News

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Does it Feel Like You’re Missing Something as a Family Caregiver?

Senior Care in Tustin CA: Starting out as a family caregiver can make you feel like you’re in the dark all the time.

It’s not unusual at all when you’re a family caregiver to feel as if you’re missing big chunks of information that everyone else seems to have. The good news is that this feeling isn’t one that you have to stick with the entire time you’re helping your elderly family member. You can fix those information deficits much more easily than you think.


Senior Care in Tustin CA: Missing Something
Senior Care in Tustin CA: Missing Something

Local Agencies Offer a Lot of Education

Believe it or not, there are a lot of local agencies in your area that offer education to family members and to aging adults about options and other issues. Many of these are local government agencies run by your city or county. These agencies can help you to learn what you need to know about aging, about health issues, and about other resources that can help. Your senior’s doctor can point you in the right direction to start.


There Are a Lot of Publications that Can Help

Beyond local agencies, there are also national and international publications that offer education. If your elderly family member has high blood pressure or heart disease, the American Heart Association is a good place to go for information. If your senior was just diagnosed with a lung disease, the American Lung Association is a good place to start. Both of these organizations and others like them offer articles, newsletters, and other sources of information. There are tons of these types of organizations that can help with a variety of different health issues.


Consider a Support Group for Family Caregivers

You may want to consider joining a support group specifically for family caregivers just like yourself. This gives you an opportunity to talk to other people who are going through the same situations that you’re facing. You’re able to ask questions, share what you’re experiencing, and feel understood and heard. That alone can be very powerful and can help you to see that you’re doing the best that you can.


Bring in Home Care Providers

One of the reasons you may feel as if you’re lost is that you’re trying to do too much on your own. Bringing in home care providers is a powerful way to make sure that your senior has help when she needs it and that you’re not doing everything by yourself. When you have a little more time and energy to step back and view the situation objectively, you may start to realize that you know a lot more than you gave yourself credit for knowing.

You don’t have to know everything to be a fantastic family caregiver. Knowing when and where to get additional help is part of getting things done.


If you or an aging loved-one are considering Senior Care in Tustin CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

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