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Facts Seniors Should Know About Handwashing

Senior Home Care Tustin CA-With senior home care providers, seniors will always have someone to help them perform hygiene tasks like washing their hands to protect their health and prevent hygiene-related illnesses.
Senior Home Care Tustin CA - Facts Seniors Should Know About Handwashing

December is National Handwashing Awareness Month and because handwashing is so important for maintaining good health and hygiene it’s something that seniors and their families should know more about. Handwashing can prevent diseases and help seniors avoid catching illnesses like the flu. It’s very important for seniors to wash their hands often, and for everyone that comes into contact with seniors to wash their hands often. If your senior loved one has arthritis or another condition that makes it difficult or painful for them to wash their hands, senior home care can help. With senior home care providers, seniors will always have someone to help them perform hygiene tasks like washing their hands to protect their health and prevent hygiene-related illnesses.

Some facts about handwashing that everyone knows include:

Handwashing Kills Germs

Handwashing with soap and water is one of the easiest and most effective ways to kill germs. Just washing hands with soap and water can reduce the spread of respiratory illness by 20%. It’s proven that washing hands with soap and water will help seniors and everyone else stay healthy. Because there are so many people who don’t wash their hands as much as they should seniors should be washing their hands often, especially if they are going out in public or when they go to a medical appointment.

People Don’t Wash Their Hands As Much As They Say They Do

Statistics show that a huge percentage of people don’t wash their hands with soap after using the bathroom, before or after preparing food, or in other situations where they could have germs and bacteria on their hands that they can spread to others. So never trust that people are washing their hands. Seniors should be washing their hands to help protect themselves from the people who aren’t washing theirs.

Communicable Diseases Are Usually Spread By Touch

80% of communicable diseases are spread by touch. When seniors are out shopping and touch the handle of the cart that could be spreading disease. Or when they touch money that has bacteria and germs on it. The credit card machine at the store could also be dirty. Seniors should be using hand sanitizer when they are out and about and can’t wash their hands but they should wash their hands as soon as possible.

39% Of People Don’t Wash Their Hands After Sneezing Or Coughing

Senior Home Care Tustin CA - Facts Seniors Should Know About Handwashing
Senior Home Care Tustin CA – Facts Seniors Should Know About Handwashing

Nearly half of people don’t wash their hands after they sneeze or cough. That means they could be actively spreading the flu, colds, and other illnesses to anyone they come into contact with. Because seniors are vulnerable to illnesses like the flu and COVID-19 it’s essential for seniors to use hand sanitizer and wash their hands as often as they can. If seniors end up with chapped hands from washing them often a thin layer of petroleum jelly applied after washing their hands will help retain the skin’s natural moisture and prevent them from drying out.


If you or an aging loved one are considering Senior Home Care Services in Tustin CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

Canaan Home Care – A Premier Provider of Senior Home Care in the La Jolla, Del Mar, San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Tustin, and Manhattan Beach areas.

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