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FEBRUARY 18 – Great Gifts for Caregivers

Senior Home Care La Jolla CA-With National Caregivers Day right around the corner, you can use this holiday to express how much you appreciate their help in the caregiving of your loved one.
Senior Home Care La Jolla CA - FEBRUARY 18 - Great Gifts for Caregivers

February 18 is National Caregivers Day. As the caregiver of an elderly loved one, you may not do it alone. You might share the caregiving with your spouse, another family member, a dear family friend, or a senior home care provider. With National Caregivers Day right around the corner, you can use this holiday to express how much you appreciate their help in the caregiving of your loved one.

It’s not uncommon for caregivers to not want to be recognized for doing what they feel is right. So, you might have to be a bit more subtle in your gift-giving, but letting them know you couldn’t do it without them will mean the world.

Here are some simple but sweet ways to say thank you to the other caregivers in your loved one’s life.

Have your loved one make a card or gift for them. You can ask your senior home care provider to work with your loved one on a project for their caregiver, based upon their talents and the caregiver’s interests. You can sign up your loved one for a pottery class to make a coffee mug, or have her write a poem or create a card while the other caregiver is away. If the caregiver loved a meal your loved one used to make but can no longer do it on his own, have his senior home care provider help by following along with the family recipe to recreate a meal that contains memories.

Give the gift of time. If your other caregiver(s) have certain chores or activities that they normally help with, give them the week off by asking your senior home care provider to help fill in the gaps while they take the week off. You could then also give them a gift card for something else they can do with that time instead, like a massage or a meal at a nice restaurant.

Give them the gift of service. Oftentimes, caregivers are so busy helping their loved ones, they neglect to get their own chores and responsibilities done. Perhaps a gift of a monthly cleaning service will help your other caregiver or you could hire a local teen to take care of their yard if they’ve fallen behind on yard work. Having one less responsibility to come home to each night can be a great gift.

Senior Home Care La Jolla CA - FEBRUARY 18 - Great Gifts for Caregivers
Senior Home Care La Jolla CA – FEBRUARY 18 – Great Gifts for Caregivers

Give them a small token of appreciation. It doesn’t always have to be a grand thing. You can simply show your appreciation this National Caregivers Day by giving your other caregivers a small gift like a candle, some sweet treats, or even a cup of coffee from her favorite coffee shop. A gift card to her favorite coffee or bakery could be a sweet way to say thank you that she can use when she wants.

Say thank you and give a hug. Just hearing that someone recognizes what they are doing is often enough for many caregivers, so don’t neglect to take the day as an opportunity to say thank you and give a hug to those who help you take care of your loved one.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Senior Home Care Services in La Jolla CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

Canaan Home Care – A Premier Provider of Senior Home Care in the La Jolla, Del Mar, San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Tustin, and Manhattan Beach areas.

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