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How to Create an Engaging Care Routine for Seniors

Putting together a routine for caring for a senior loved one makes aging more appealing and useful for seniors. Here are some ideas to consider.
Senior Home Care Newport Beach CA - How to Create an Engaging Care Routine for Seniors

Seniors who have an aging care routine that truly supports their needs and preferences may find that they are much better positioned to age in place according to their original goals. It might feel overwhelming to try to create that routine from scratch, however, which is why it’s helpful to take things a step at a time. Hire senior home care providers to help make this process easier.

Here are some starting ideas:

Identify Needs

Any senior home care routine has a specific overarching goal, and that is to meet the needs of the person the routine serves. It helps if caregivers sit down with their senior family members and address exactly what they need in terms of assistance. Get down into the details of how they want their days and weeks to look, too. Overplanning and putting too much into every day may cause more frustration instead of helping.

Set Realistic Goals

Realistic goals are not only easier to achieve, but they also actually meet someone’s needs. Many seniors need to make changes in their daily activities to better support their health, for instance. Look at what is realistic for those needs. Improving mobility gradually is a much better goal than pushing too hard and courting injury. Measure progress along the way.

Create Some Schedules

Identifying needs and goals helps to get everyone to the next step, which is creating some schedules to ensure each day has activities that support both reaching goals and meeting needs. Schedules shouldn’t be restrictive or so tightly planned out that there is no room for spontaneity. The schedule exists as a structure or a backbone for daily and weekly life.

Don’t Forget Socialization

Social activities need to be included, too. Senior home care providers can help with this. They add a social element to the lives of the people they help, but they can also make it easier for seniors to get to social engagements. Transportation assistance, helping with technology, and helping to keep track of calendars and events can all be part of how they help.

Add in Physical Activity

The US Department of Health and Human Services recommends that all adults get between 130 and 150 minutes of physical activity every day. That recommendation may be lower depending on health issues, so it’s important to clear physical activity with a senior’s doctor before starting new activity goals. In general, getting enough physical activity has been shown to have both immediate health benefits and long-term results, including protecting cognitive health.

Prioritize Nutrition

Nutrition from a well-balanced diet is always important because it helps to support overall health and solid energy levels. Eating at regularly-spaced intervals helps to keep blood sugar levels even as well. Some seniors may need to make dietary changes recommended by physicians in order to get even better health results.

Give it a Trial Run

Senior Home Care Newport Beach CA - How to Create an Engaging Care Routine for Seniors
Senior Home Care Newport Beach CA – How to Create an Engaging Care Routine for Seniors

Not every routine is perfect right out of the gate. Giving the schedule a trial run allows everyone involved from family caregivers to senior home care providers see if this is something that truly supports the needs of the person receiving care. Small tweaks to the routine could be all that is needed once it’s all said and done.

Routines don’t stay the same, either. Over time, senior home care providers can help seniors to continue monitoring and adjusting routines to make sure that they continue to be effective and supportive.

If you or an aging loved one are considering Senior Home Care Services in Newport Beach CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

Canaan Home Care – A Premier Provider of Senior Home Care in the La Jolla, Del Mar, San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Tustin, and Manhattan Beach areas.

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