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Tips for Seniors Living with Epilepsy

Home Care Services in San Clemente CA: Life with epilepsy can be unpredictable. You never know when a seizure will happen. As a result, it can interfere with a person’s quality of life. For family caregivers who are assisting older adults with epilepsy, the disease can cause added stress.

Life with epilepsy can be unpredictable. You never know when a seizure will happen. As a result, it can interfere with a person’s quality of life. For family caregivers who are assisting older adults with epilepsy, the disease can cause added stress because you may worry about a seizure occurring when you’re not there to help. The good news is that there are ways you can help the older adult to live a better life with epilepsy and give yourself some peace of mind as well. Below are some tips to try.

Home Care Services in San Clemente CA: Seniors Living With Epilepsy


Prevent Missed Medications

Seizures are better controlled when medications are taken consistently. They need to be taken as close to the same time each day as possible. Unfortunately, older adults with memory problems may forget to take doses.
For people who do not have cognitive problems, remembering to take medications can be as easy as keeping the bottle in plain sight. However, if the older adult has cognitive problems, they might take the medicine twice, thinking they forgot. It may be better to use a smartphone app to remind the older adult when it’s time to take medicine. Better yet, an elderly care provider can remind them. The added benefit of having a person provide the reminder instead of an app is that the elderly care provider can watch to make sure the person takes the proper dosage.

Make Changes for Safety

One concern about the senior having a seizure is that they may fall and injure themselves. To minimize the chances of injury, you may need to make some changes to the person’s home. Thick pile carpeting with ample backing will reduce the chances of a serious injury in a fall. Also, adhere padding to corners and edges that the older adult might hit against during a seizure.

Avoid Kitchen Dangers

The kitchen can be a dangerous place since there are plenty of sharp objects to get cut on and hot surfaces that may cause a burn. If your aging relative does their own cooking, encourage them to use the microwave instead of the stove. If they were to have a seizure while cooking, falling against a hot stove could cause a serious burn. Also, a food processor is a safer option than a sharp knife. It may also be wise to use unbreakable dishes. An elderly care provider can aid with kitchen safety by monitoring the person while they cook. Alternatively, the elderly care provider could do the cooking for them.

If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Care Services in San Clemente, CA, please contact the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today!
1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)




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