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Understanding GERD in Seniors

Seniors can learn to identify symptoms early and make the necessary lifestyle adjustments to better manage GERD as those discussed here.
Home Care Assistance Irvine CA - Understanding GERD in Seniors

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a chronic digestive issue in which stomach acid runs back into the esophagus and irritates its lining. While GERD can affect people of any age, seniors are especially vulnerable due to age-related changes in their digestive systems and other health issues. With this in mind, seniors need to understand GERD and how to manage it appropriately, which can be accomplished with home care assistance services and collaboration with their medical team.

Understanding Why Seniors Are More Susceptible to GERD

Several variables influence the frequency of GERD among seniors, including the following:

Deterioration of the LES: The Lower Esophageal Sphincter (LES), a muscle valve that stops stomach contents from draining back into the esophagus, might deteriorate over time. This increases the risk of acid reflux.

Aging: Simple aging can impede digestion, leading to food retention and increased risk of reflux.

Medications: Medications like calcium channel blockers, sedatives, and anti-inflammatory drugs might cause GERD symptoms by relaxing the LES or irritating the esophagus.

Hiatal Hernia: This condition occurs when a portion of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm into the chest cavity. It is more common in seniors and a major risk factor for GERD.

Symptoms of GERD in Seniors

The symptoms of GERD in seniors may differ from those of younger people, making diagnosis more difficult.

Common symptoms include:

Heartburn: Heartburn is a burning sensation in the chest that usually occurs after eating or while lying down.

Regurgitation: Regurgitation refers to a sour or bitter sensation in the mouth caused by stomach acid.

Chest Pain: GERD-related chest pain can occasionally mimic heart-related disorders, demanding a thorough examination.

Chronic Coughing or Hoarseness: Acid reflux can irritate the throat and vocal cords.

Dysphagia: Dysphagia, or difficulty swallowing, can occur in severe situations.

It’s important to note that some seniors may suffer from what’s called “silent GERD.” This condition causes symptoms such as chronic coughing, throat clearing, or respiratory difficulties but no apparent heartburn. With home care assistance, seniors can monitor when and if these symptoms arise to discover if there’s a pattern.

Complications of Untreated GERD

If left untreated, GERD can lead to significant issues, particularly in seniors who are already in poor health.

Potential difficulties include:

  • Inflammation: Inflammation of the esophagus could cause pain and trouble swallowing.
  • Barrett’s Esophagus: This is a precancerous condition induced by prolonged acid exposure that raises the chance of esophageal cancer.
  • Aspiration Pneumonia: Acid reflux causes stomach contents to enter the lungs, resulting in respiratory infections.

Managing GERD in Seniors

With home care assistance and by working with their medical team, seniors diagnosed with GERD can learn ways to effectively manage the issue. This might include a mix of lifestyle adjustments, like the ones listed below.

  • Diet: Avoiding trigger foods such as spicy meals, citrus, chocolate, and caffeine can help alleviate symptoms. Seniors might also benefit from eating smaller meals and avoiding late-night snacks.
  • Weight Management: Maintaining a healthy weight relieves strain on the stomach and LES.
  • Better Sleep Habits: Elevating the head of the bed and resting on the left side can help reduce issues with GERD while seniors are trying to sleep.
Home Care Assistance Irvine CA - Understanding GERD in Seniors
Home Care Assistance Irvine CA – Understanding GERD in Seniors
  • Medications: Both over-the-counter and prescription medication might be needed as well. Seniors can talk with their medical team about this to ensure it’s the right choice.

With home care assistance and their medical team’s support, seniors can learn to identify symptoms early and make the necessary lifestyle adjustments to better manage GERD.


If you or an aging loved one are considering Home Care Assistance Services in Irvine CA, please call the caring staff at Canaan Home Care today! 1-844-CANAAN-1 (1-844-226-2261)

Canaan Home Care – A Premier Provider of Senior Home Care in the La Jolla, Del Mar, San Diego, Rancho Santa Fe, Newport Beach, Laguna Beach, Huntington Beach, Irvine, Tustin, and Manhattan Beach areas.

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